June 25, 2014 Wednesday   London to Paris via Chunnel


9:00  We need to be packed and ready to leave the flat.  Tend to last minute issues.


10:00  Depart the flat for St. Pancras International Station via minicab that we have to arrange well ahead of time.   We may need to arrange 2 cabs depending on what the driving company says.  ( See June25_overview map, S1)


12:25  Depart St. Pancras for Paris  (see June25, chunnel route map).  We arrive in Paris at 3:47.  It is a 2 and half hour ride but we lose an hour with the time change.



 4:00  Arrive at Gare Nord in Paris  (See map June25_Paris overview)


4:30  Taxi to Hotel Jardin de Villiers,   18 Rue Claude Pouillet.   (S2)


6:00 or earlier:  I think we should take the subway over to the Eiffel Tower and try to get tickets to the top.  If we are successful then great.  If not, then we know what we are up against in trying on Saturday and Sunday.


If we don’t get tickets then we will go to the Arc de Triomphe (S3), climb to the top and view Paris.


Take the subway  back to the Villier station. 


Dinner in the hotel neighborhood.